Boluwa's Thoughts: How Far is too Far?

What have you done for love that might be too crazy? Maybe I should rephrase that to for people in general. I read a lot of articles and I have seen the most extreme stories.

When making examples I will only use African stories, because I don't like when people make it look like it's a white people thing to be extreme regarding love.

How far can you go to win back the "love of your life". Robin Thicke did a whole album for Paula just to win her back. He didn't tho

Truth is most of us don't handle rejection well or finding out a partner is cheating. People have done the weirdest things to stay in a relationship as opposed to staying in love.

I was reading about some girl that started using tightening cream because her boyfriend complained, long and short her PH is not balanced and now she stinks!!! The boyfriend still hits it when she is bleeding because the smell reduces. That's disgusting!

Some dude has been embezzling money from his company to fund his girlfriend's lavish lifestyle and the story goes on.

How far will you go to win back the love of your life, keep them or make them stay with you???


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