Betty's Weekly Banter: Sex on the First Date?

If you missed Betty’s Banter Last week check here.

How soon is too soon to have sex with your (new) partner? This is a controversial question that lingers through the minds of most females; we bother with what's the appropriate time to give it up to a guy after meeting him. We want to apply the dating rules that in my opinion are mostly generated based on our antiquated mindset.

For the purpose of this write up I’d be dwelling on the controversial topic of not having sex on the first date.

It was frowned upon in the old days to have sex on the first date but times are changing and some of the dating rules should not even be applicable, having sex on the first date should cause little or no uproar at all. It bothers me why sexual liberated females would subject themselves to fear of judgement by their partner following sex on the first date.

He likes you enough to ask you out on a date and at a point in his mind he would have considered a million ways to bend you over and fuck you good, why then should you as a female bother yourself with how he thinks of you following sex on the first date, why are you even with a guy that you think will slut shame you?

I did my research and spoke to a couple of guys about this topic earlier, Tunde said 'there's nothing wrong with it, when a guy gets it first, he would stay if he would and if he gets it later it's same' and Deola said 'If I'm the guy, and the girl wants a relationship I'll have to take time to try to know her well enough. Because it doesn't necessarily mean she's a hoe, it could just have been a mutual connection'

I'd reckon if the moment is right and there's chemistry you shouldn't deprive your body what it wants neither should you apologize for the choices you make. Stop thinking he would think of you less as decent or not girlfriend material if you give it up on the first date, a guy that wants to stay will stay, props of even doing it on the first date is that you'd fuck the shit out of him and make him come back for more..

Well y’all can follow Betty on Instagram @bettybhakins


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