#MidweekFlow: Post/Snap and delete

Public display of affection isn't my thing, I'm not going to be holding hands and kissing about the place. I think it has a lot to do with my past relationships & my nature.

I have never really done the matching t-shirts long birthday posts & cute videos to share on social media - because who asked me . But I take pictures and make videos with whomever i'm officially seeing share it with my friends ,look over it and stuff. When I make a decision to get into a relationship I don't regret it .... I wrote some lovely things about my ex on here I wont delete now because we ain't together no more - That's even if my new partner requests for that.

My point is, don't post if you'll delete, live for today & in the moment. I was going through my gallery this morning and it's flooded with pictures of le ex, so I made up my mind not to delete it... so no post/ snap and delete for me.


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