Betty's Weekly Banter : Who is a Blesser ?

I didn't give Betty the permission to apologize for late posts today . Let's just go right into it !

Hi guys today I'd be talking about the new trending word #blesser..
I know... I recently also just stumbled on this word, while some of you might already know the meaning, but for the sake of people that might have never heard the term blesser before, it refers to an older man that 'spoils' a younger lady financially, that is the blesser takes care of the finances of the blessed. Hehe..  It is what most of us usually or typically refer to as sugar daddies.

The term blesser is mostly used in South Africa right now and on social medias, the ones that use this word believe that there's a slight difference btw a blesser and a sugar daddy, a blesser is assumed to be slightly richer than a sugar daddy, I don't know how they reached that conclusion but that's the belief. The term blesser has now officially become the in thing.

The relationship between a blesser and a blessee is purely transactional. The older guy fulfills  all financial obligation for his blessee in exchange of sex, no commit or promises of marriage btw them. 

It is also important to note that their are different levels or ranks of blesser, there's the level 1 blesser: those ones that would take you on vacations in private jets, take you on shopping spree, buy you Benz and buy you flats and apartment and so on.. 

Level 2 blesser: those one perform financial obligations that are a little lesser than the level 1 blessers, they buy you designer shoes, clothes bag, may or may not take you on expensive vacations, while the 3rd and final level blessers: take care of meager financial responsibilities such as buying their blessee iPhone, pocket money and the rest..

I'd continue from here next week and I shall be talking about the blessee or the blessed. 

Well if there is a particular level of blessers that just have a thing for spoiling young girls - nothing expected return . Epp me 


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