Mid Week Flow: My Five Favorite Things Right Now

Just letting you know what I currently love, it can change at any time.... see the last one here -
Every thing on that list will probably make it to my pet peeves this week.

1. Hashtags - #PostandDelete #Pettywap #Baewatch.... obsessed with them.... I randomly drop #baewatch on people's picture on Instagram - no vex

2. Jenifas Diary - Yurr *In Jenifas voice*  Just finished season 1 -4 ; obviously every episode was hit back to back. Check it out on IrokoTv

3. Boluwa on 360nobs - Did I mention I write for 360nobs - like full time. That's where you'll see my fashion and amebo side, these days I have come to enjoy writing for the site and I'm using my position there to help fashion designers who want their lookbooks out there.

Read my posts here and send your lookbooks to boluwa@360nobs.com

4. Love !!! If you are in love and you post cute pictures!!! Lolol I probably stalk you. No vex it's the loneliness that's worrying me.

5. Babies - Keep your children away from me... I'll carry them and run... adorable black children are making my womb tickle.

P.S: I didn't add my new addiction to gospel music ... because I don't know the album name, I'll do a full post on it over the weekend.


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