Simple Ways To Be Happy

The happiest people stay in their own lane and mind their own business.

I don't know what issues you might be going through, but I hope this helps:

1. Stay Around positive people

Many things are negative, the state of the country, things at work, stupid neighbours. But if you have the right friends you will always find a reason to be happy.

2. Fitness 

When I'm sick, tired and done with everything the answer to most questions is to workout. The beautiful thing about exercising is the different options you get. There's the workout to ease stress, you can stretch to relieve physical pain and there's the standard type to boost your mood.

3. Praying

No matter the situation give thanks, take it to God in prayers. If it's work that is making you sad - ask him for a new job, if it's a relationship tell him to take it away.

God answers and he won't fail you.

4. Conversations 

Have meaningful conversations with sensible people. Talk about what is going on and flourish.

5. Travel (Take time off)

I have broken my travel destination into different parts based on the current situation of my account.
You can't be too broke to try any of these:
- Another Continent

- East Africa

- West Africa

- Somewhere in Nigeria

- A getaway within Lagos

There's no guarantee your problems will go away, but you'll be happy and relaxed.

6. Go on Youtube and watch videos 

Youtube is my happy place, from funny to real issues. I recommend The Maury Show (DNA TEST SHOWS) or just search for story time.

I would suggest shopping, but that what's usually starts problem.

NOTE:  Happiness comes from within.


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