Memoirs Of A 21 Year Old Virgin - I'm back.

I'm now 22... but the title works fine so I'm sticking with it. 

Have I popped the cherry? NO

For no good reason I still have my cherry 'un-popped'.

Maybe there's a reason, might be because I am a Muslim and I am not even extremely devoted but I know a scripture in the Quran says "keep your virginity till marriage, it  is a blessing for your mother and its like buying her paradise in heaven" (not sure if its paradise but I know its a blessing)

To be honest, I really love my parents and I always want to see them happy so its worth the wait.

Also, it could simply be that I am not emotionally ready to start having sex. No one is pressuring me or even encouraging me to have sex. I have heard a lot about sex (very weird read)  and most of my friend are sexually active and happy with their decisions. It might be because they are still with the person who popped their cherry, and that's great too.

I apologize for the long break, but as I said in my previous posts when I was 21(getting old) I still have a boyfriend. Honestly & Truly, I'm in love with him and he is still celibate at least I have not caught him yet.

I have so many stories to share... I hope I can stay consistent.


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