Boluwa's Pet Peeves of the Week
1. Selfish people I need this, I want that! What about me? what about what I want !!! Please if you are selfish stay far away from me. Thanks 2. The weather I have showered 3 times today, the AC at the office doesn't get to me, no light to iron my weather friendly clothes. It's getting under my skin ... just like Fashola's kids I have Heat rash. 3. Double Standards This is in relation to Rihanna's video and Oloni's TL on twitter. If a man did a video where he shot a woman or even shoved her... I already see the headlines - Rick Ross promotes domestic violence, Drake endorses Violence against women!!! Needed me video Oloni told girls to tell their hoe stories and guys started saying they have trust issues and all that... girls this girls that. Think about it the other way- You'll see ' that guy is got game'.